Wallet Overview


General Technology Stack User-Friendliness Privacy Security Interoperability
Logo Wallet The name of the wallet and the link to the website. Company The developer of the wallet. Scope General-purpose or domain-specific, and for which domain. Deployment Running on edge-devices or in the cloud. Organizational Wallet Organisations are the target users. Open Source Whether the wallet is open source and if so, the link to their code base. Download The links to the downloads in Google Play, the App Store or the link to the web app. Support The emailaddress for support. Credential Format The credential profile(s) supported by the wallet. Encoding Scheme The encoding scheme(s) supported by the wallet. Signature Algorithm The signature algorithm(s) supported by the wallet. Holder Identifier The type of identifier used to identify the holder. Issuer Identifier The type of identifier used to identify the issuer. Revocation Mechanism The revocation mechanism(s) supported by the wallet. Peer-to-Peer Protocol The peer-to-peer protocol(s) supported by the wallet. Credential Exchange Protocol The credential exchange protocol(s) supported by the wallet. Blockchain Used Does the wallet work with a blockchain? Blockchain Type The type(s) of blockchain supported by the wallet? N/A for wallets that do not use blockchain. Blockchain Purpose The purpose(s) for which the wallet uses blockchain. N/A for wallets that do not use blockchain. Connection Type What types of connections can the wallet handle? Does the wallet support direct communication via QR-codes, bluetooth, etc. or connection-based, where a connection between holder and issuer/verifier can be reused? Deep-Linking Does the wallet support deep-linking? Can the wallet redirect the holder to the wallet app instead of to a website (with a QR-code), such that the user can have a mobile-only workflow? Or for web-based wallets, does the wallet have the ability to link directly to a specific task like a credential offer? Offline Friendliness Does the wallet support the exchange of credentials in an offline fashion, i.e. via bluetooth, NFC, et cetera? Key History Holder Is it possible to retain and obtain the history of keys related to a certain identifier of a holder? Key History Issuer Is it possible to retain and obtain the history of keys related to a certain identifier of an issuer? Portability Can credentials be exported from the wallet, such that they can be imported by another wallet? Selective Disclosure Does the wallet allow the user to present only selected claims from their credentials? Predicates Can the wallet generate predicates, e.g. older than 18? This can be achieved through the support of zero-knowledge proofs. Verifier Unlinkability Is the verifier unable to link multiple presentations by the same holder together? Note: this is only relevant if the presentations do not contain identifiable information. Observability Can the verifier observe the revocation status of the credential beyond the presentation? Crypto Agility Is the credential format able to work with a variety of signature algorithms? Post-Quantum Secure Does the wallet support post-quantum secure signature algorithms? Does the wallet use post-quantum secure encryption in the exchange and storage of credentials? Key Rotation Holder Can the key referred to in a credential can be replaced by a new key? Key Rotation Issuer Can the key referred to in a credential can be replaced by a new key? Connected to TNO EASSI Is the wallet connected to theTNO EASSI wallet gateway? EBSI Compliant Is the wallet compliant withEBSIspecifications? AIP Compliant Is the wallet compliant with theAries Interop Profile? DDIP Compliant Is the wallet compliant with theDutch Decentralized Identity Profile? ISO 18013 Compliant Is the wallet compliant withISO 18013-5 (mDL)?